Open House: Thank you to everyone that came out to Open House on Thursday.  Your support and dedication to PHS is greatly appreciated.

Early Release Day: This Wednesday, September 11th, we will have our 1stearly release day.  The student’s day will conclude at noon.  Please make sure that your student is able to leave campus no later than 12:30pm.

9-11 Tribute: In honor and remembrance of 9-11, PHS will be having a few activities.  We are asking that all students and staff wear RED-WHITE-and BLUE to show their support.  Also, we will be having a brunch for all retired and current first responders.  The brunch will start at 9:30am until 11:00am.  Please help us spread the word to our local first responders.  Thank you!

 PTSA: The first meeting will be on September 17th@ 6pm at the Dade City Beef O’ Brady’s.

Parent U Meeting:  The first meeting is scheduled for September 24th@ 6pm in the IRC.  The topics of discussion will be MyStudent, grade awareness, and staying on track.

ASVAB: The ASVAB will be given on Tuesday, September 24th at PHS to juniors and seniors. Please sign up in the CRC.

College Night: Mark your calendars for the annual College Fair held at PHSC. It will be Wednesday, September 11th, 6-7:30 pm at the PHSC east campus gym. Colleges from all around the state will be there.


Writing Lab-Available on Tuesdays by Appointment with your teacher

Math Lab-Available every Thursday in the Upstairs Admin Room

Physical Sciences-Available by appointment every day, but Tuesdays with your teacher

Life Sciences-September 12thwithMs. Kuruvilla RM 16-501

US Govt. & Econ-Schedule an appointment with Mr. Ryan or Mr. Liptak on Tuesdays

Organizational skills-Set an appointment with Mrs. Fernandez

Student Parking: Unfortunately, we continue to have a few students not following the parking lot policies.  Please remember that a parking permit is required to park on campus.  You must park in your assigned parking spot. Also, the only time you should be in the parking lot is once you arrive at school and when you are leaving school. The parking lot is off limits during the school day, and especially at lunch.

Dress Code: It is imperative that students make sure they are in dress code at all times.  Students with a dress code violation will be asked to change and possibly call home if necessary. If you would like further information on the dress code, please visit the district website and review the student code of conduct document.

PERT: The PERT is available for students interested in dual enrollment. Students must be in grades 10-12 and have an unweighted 3.0. The QR code to sign up is at the back desk with Mrs. Benke.

Hurricane Dorian Support: The Interact Club will be collecting items for the victims of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. A list is posted on the school website and monetary donations are also accepted. We will be delivering the donations to Rotary Club on Friday, Sept. 20th.

Free/Reduced Lunch Applications: Please make sure that if you qualify for free/reduced lunch, you have completed your application for this school year.  The deadline to have that complete is 9-18-19.  Student’s accounts will revert back to PAID status if an application is not completed.  If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Frier at 352-524-5576.