Devices will be handed out on Monday, March 30th from 8:30am to 12:00pm.  Please understand that the check-out process will take some time.  It will be a drive-through model that will require you to remain in your vehicle.
Please understand that we have a very limited supply of laptops to distribute to students.  If you currently have a laptop or tablet at home, please do not request one from the school.  One laptop or tablet can serve up to 2 students per household.  If you are requesting a laptop, completion of a reservation form is required.

Here is the link to complete the form:

The reservation form must be completed by Friday, March 27th by noon.

If you need any assistance with internet access, please call your mobile carrier or one of the internet companies.  Several of them are providing free internet access during this time.

We hope everyone is staying healthy and looking forward to starting back on Tuesday, March 31st, virtually.

Thank you for your cooperation.