Post-Secondary Week:

We are extremely excited about our Post-Secondary Celebration Week.  Monday is Military Monday.  Wear your camo to support our students with plans for serving our country after high school.  Tuesday is Trade Tuesday.  Dress for your future career or trade.  The possibilities are endless.  Also, Tuesday night we will have a parent and student evening session on surviving college admissions.  Please come out for this important informational meeting beginning at 6pm in the IRC.  Wednesday is Show Me the Money Wednesday in honor of promoting Florida bright futures and scholarships.  Wear any neon colors.  Thursday is college shirt day.  Wear your favorite college shirt, and plan to play college bingo during lunch.  Friday is school spirit day.  Your future starts here at PHS. We will be having a Live pep rally on the news starting at 6am in the gym.  It is also club day.  Wear your Pirate colors and show your spirit.

MyStudent Accounts:

Please continue to monitor your student’s MyStudent account for their grades and their attendance.  If at any time you have any questions, please email your student’s teacher. Parents and students will be able to view 2nd quarter progress reports on Friday, November 15th.  As always, if you would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference, please contact Mrs. Benke at 352-524-5539.


Weekly free tutoring is available.  If your student is in need of tutoring in any subject area, please have them talk with their teachers or an administrator.


Parents and Students, I would like to remind you that leaving campus during the school day is against school board policy.  Students that have class of campus either through online instruction or at PHSC is the only excusable reason to leave campus.  Additionally, being in the parking lot during the school day is also NEVER allowed.  Please make sure that if you are signing out of school for an appointment or signing back in, to do so through the front office.  This is the way to ensure your absences are excused and you are following the correct procedures. Students, again, the dress code is in effect at all times.  Please review the dress code and make sure outfits meet the dress code.  Lastly, if you need to check-out your student, please make sure to do this prior to 1:30pm.  All check-outs after 1:30pm will have to wait until the close of the school day at 2:00pm.

Drive 4 UR School:

Thank you to everyone who came out to Jarrett Ford and participated in the Drive for your school fundraiser the past Friday.  Your support for PHS is greatly appreciated.  

School Advisory Committee:

The next SAC meeting is Tuesday, November 12th at 8:00am in the front office.


The next PTSA meeting is scheduled for November 12th at 6pm @ Beef O’Brady’s in Dade City

Parent Volunteers:

Any Parent that is interested in participating in the Great American Teach-In event at PHS, please contact Ms. Edwards.   The event will take place on Tuesday, November 12th.

Winter Sports Try-outs:

Girls Basketball is October 28th from 2:15-3:45pm. & October 29th from 4-6pm.  See Coach Justin if you have any questions.

Boys Basketball will hold tryouts starting November 4th.  See Coach Broner if you have any questions.


All 10th grade students along with those 9th and 11th grade students that paid to participate, will be taking the PSAT this week on Wednesday, October 30th.  Please make sure your student is aware of their testing location.  If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Brady.


The Next Cambridge Parent Association meeting is on November 5th at 5:15pm.

Dual Enrollment:

Interested in Dual Enrollment? Have a 3.0 and have passed the PERT? Please make sure to complete your registration and meet with your school counselor by Thursday, August 31st.

Early Release Day:

The next scheduled early release day for the students is Wednesday, November 13th.  Students will be released at 12 noon.