MyStudent Accounts:

Believe it or not, we are already ½ way through quarter 2.  Please continue to monitor your student’s MyStudent account for their grades and their attendance.  If at any time you have any questions, please email your student’s teacher. Parents and students will be able to view 2nd quarter progress reports on this Friday, November 15th.  As always, if you would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference, please contact Mrs. Benke at 352-524-5539.


Weekly free tutoring is available.  If your student is in need of tutoring in any subject area, please have them talk with their teachers or an administrator.


Parents and Students, I would like to remind you that leaving campus during the school day is against school board policy.  Students that have class off campus either through online instruction or at PHSC is the only excusable reason to leave campus.  Additionally, being in the parking lot during the school day is also NEVER allowed.  Please make sure that if you are signing out of school for an appointment or signing back in, to do so through the front office.  This is the way to ensure your absences are excused and you are following the correct procedures. Students, again, the dress code is in effect at all times.  Please review the dress code and make sure outfits meet the dress code.  Lastly, if you need to check-out your student, please make sure to do this prior to 1:30pm.  All check-outs after 1:30pm will have to wait until the close of the school day at 2:00pm.

School Advisory Committee:

The next SAC meeting is Tuesday, November 12th at 8:00am in the front office.


The next PTSA meeting is scheduled for November 12th at 6pm @ Beef O’Brady’s in Dade City

Parent Volunteers:

Any Parent that is interested in participating in the Great American Teach-In event at PHS, please contact Ms. Edwards.   The event will take place on Tuesday, November 12th.

Honor Roll:

On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, student’s earning honor roll for 1st quarter for the 2019-2020 school year, along with those student’s that earned honor roll for the entire school year of 2018-2019, will be invited to attend an honor roll celebration. The celebration will take place from 10am-12pm in the PHS Gym. Parents are welcome to attend. Please see the school newsletter for important information regarding the criteria for honor roll. 

Veteran’s Day:

Pirate Nation, please help us pass on the invite to all local Veteran’s on Monday, November 11th from 7am to 10am at PHS, we would like to honor them with a pancake breakfast.  Also, Monday is a normal school day for all students.

Early Release Day:

The next scheduled early release day for the students is Wednesday, November 13th.  Students will be released at 12 noon.

Parent University:

The next Parent University Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19th at 6pm in the IRC.  The topic will be on our Cambridge Program.  Please RSVP to Mrs. Enright.

Toys for Tots Drive:

PHS HOSA is running the MARINES, Toys for Tots toy drive this year and is asking for your support to make this holiday shine for children who would otherwise go without. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy, for either a boy or girl to one of the drop boxes around campus or to the CNA building. HOSA thanks you for your support. The Drive runs until December 10th.