MyStudent Accounts:

We are just 2 short weeks away from the end of quarter one.  Please take a few minutes and review your student’s progress thus far. It is important to check both their attendance and academic standings.  If you would like to schedule a parent/teacher conference, please call Mrs. Benke at 352-524-5539.


Weekly free tutoring is available.  If your student is in need of tutoring in any subject area, please have them talk with their teachers or an administrator.

Parent U Meeting: 

Thank you to everyone that attended the first Parent U meeting.  We hope it was informative.  The next Parent U is scheduled for October 22nd@ 6pm.

Winter Sports Try-outs:

Girls Soccer is October 21st-23rdfrom 3-4:30pm. See Coach Collison if you have any questions.

Boys Soccer is October 21st-22ndfrom 4-6pm.  See Coach Grayling if you have any questions.

Girls Basketball is October 28thfrom 2:15-3:45pm. & October 29thfrom 4-6pm.  See Coach Justin if you have any questions.


We are 1 week away from Homecoming Week.  Please check the school Twitter, Facebook, Website or newsletter for the flyer with all of the dress up days and events.  We look forward to a spirited week.


The Cambridge Parent Association will have its first meeting on October 1st at 5:15pm.


The next PTSA meeting is scheduled for October 15th at 6pm @ Beef O’Brady’s in Dade City.


Just a reminder that students will be taking the GALLUP survey during the week of October 7th.

Financial Aid:

Financial Aid night will be held on October 1, 2019 at 6pm in the IRC. Please join us to receive vital information on how to fill out the FASFA to receive financial assistance for college after graduation. Seniors, this is for you!

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers are needed for the following activities: 1. Scarecrow Festival, Oct 12th at the Pioneer Museum. 2. RB Cox Elementary Fall Festival, Oct 4, 5-8 pm 3. Lacoochee Elementary School Fall Festival, Oct 18th, 5:30-8 Sign up in the CRC.

School Pictures:

PHS Picture Packages, Proofs and IDs will be distributed over this week. If you are unhappy with your purchased photos and want a retake, you must return the original photo package to Gigante on retake day. If you missed picture day or are returning photos, retake day is Tues. Oct. 15. If you did not buy photos the first time, you cannot show up for a retake, unless you are now purchasing a photo package from Gigante on retake day.

Science Fair:

It is Science Fair Project time!! If your student is interested in being a part of this year’s Science Fair, please have them talk to their science teacher or the Science Fair Contact for PHS, Ms. Maddaloni in Rm 15-204, for information. The Regional Fair has a new name “Science and Engineering Showcase” and will be February 1st, 2020. Information flyers will be in each science classroom. Deadline for topic picking and approval is October 16th with Ms. Maddaloni. Please join the scientific method showcase and represent Pasco High School for awards, scholarships, and prizes.

Early Release Day:

Next week, Wednesday, October 9th, is our next scheduled Early Release Day for our students. Students day will end at noon. Please make sure your student has transportation to be off campus by 12:30pm.