We want to welcome everyone back from Spring Break.  Although this is not how we pictured our return, we are anxious to get back to communicating and education Pirate Nation.

Device Distribution:
On Monday, March 30th, we will be handing out devices to anyone that is in need from 8:30 am to 12:00pm. Please note that last week there was a reservation form that needed to be completed in order to reserve a device for your student.  For all of the students that completed this form, a computer has been reserved for you.  If your family requested more than 1 computer and you have only 2 PHS students, you will only be receiving 1 computer.  We are very limited on the amount of devices and we are trying to make sure each household gets a device.  If you did not complete the reservation form and you need a computer, you can come to the school between 8:30am and 12pm.  We will hand out devices on a first come/first serve basis. Please understand this process will take some time and we will need everyone to be patient.  Upon entering the school, you will enter to front car loop. There you will remain in your car and will receive instructions on receiving your device.

Classes Begin:
On Tuesday, March 31st, students will be expected to login to their myPascoConnect and start working on their courses.  This week students will begin to work on their core academic courses.  Elective and CTE courses will begin next week. It is the expectation that student’s login to their account daily.

Through this time, we want everyone to know that we are here to help support in any way necessary.  Parent, student to school communication is important.  Starting on Wednesday, April 1st, Teachers and administration will be available daily from 8am to 8pm for support and guidance.  Email is the best communication method through this distant learning.  There is phone coverage at the school from 8am to 2pm each day. Please understand that the school remains closed to all visitors at this time.

 Report Cards:
Quarter 3 Report Cards will be available for review to the parent/student portal on April 7, 2020.

2020 Prom:
As many of you know, our Prom has been rescheduled for May 23rd. It will be at the same venue at the same time.  More information to come.

The state has cancelled all testing for this year.