Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at


Q: How can students request an appointment to see their counselor?

A: Stop by your counselor’s office. If the counselor is available to see you right away they will do so. If they are with another student or out of the office, email the counselors directly to schedule an appointment.

Q: How can a parent schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference?

A: For teacher conferences that involve just one teacher, please contact that teacher directly through email or phone (both listed on the PHS website) to set up a time that is convenient for both of you. It is recommended that you contact your child’s teacher directly before scheduling a conference. Many questions and concerns can be resolved very easily through communication and don’t require a conference. If the conference involves multiple classes or teachers, please contact our Guidance Secretary Mrs. Jill
Benke to schedule a Parent/Teacher conference.

Q: How can a parent/guardian contact a counselor?

A: You can either email or call each counselor directly. Please see the main Guidance page for email addresses and phone numbers for each of the counselors.

Q: Are discussions between students and counselors confidential?

A: Counselors make every effort to maintain confidentiality; in other words, what you talk about stays between you and your counselor. However, there are instances in which confidentiality must be broken.

Such instances include:

  • When it is determined a student is a danger to him/her self (e.g., suicidal ideation, cutting or other means of self-harm).
  • If a student is a danger to others (e.g., homicidal ideation)
  • If the student is being abused or if the student is abusing others

Q: Can I change my schedule?

A: Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis; however, please be aware of the following:

  • There will be no teacher changes without first having a parent/teacher conference and obtaining administrator approval
  • There will be no rearranging of courses
  • If you asked for an elective, even as an alternate, your schedule will not be changed (course selection forms are kept on file)
  • There will be no lunch changes

Reasons for which a schedule change may be warranted:

  • If you are missing a course required for graduation
  • If you are in course you already passed
  • If you are in a course for which you do not have the prerequisite

If any of these reasons apply to you, sign up to see your counselor.